Favorites in Roses
Roses of Every Color
Red, white, pink, or yellow, roses are classic regardless of the color. Trias Flowers & Gifts offers an array of elegant rose arrangements. Beginning with classic one-dozen roses and ranging to exquisite rose designs, we offer only the finest and freshest roses available. Either alone or mixed with other elegant flowers, our rose designs are second to none.
Same-day delivery is available to areas throughout Miami, FL including Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, South Miami, Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Hialeah, Key Biscayne, and Miami Beach. Nationwide delivery is also available.
Yes, we offer same-day rose delivery to areas throughout Miami, FL including Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, South Miami, Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Hialeah, Key Biscayne, and Miami Beach.
Roses can last up to 2 weeks with proper care. We provide detailed care instructions and encourage people to call us for more details, tips or any concerns they may have.
We think they are! It comes down to simple science…if a rose can draw clear water up its stem, it will last. Darkened stem ends, dirty water or a velvety feel to the petals are all signs your roses need immediate care. Flushing out the vase with fresh water, re-cutting the stems and giving a misting of humidity are the main things that keep your roses vibrant and lasting.
Rose petals should feel full and firm. Tight buds are no longer the sign of freshness as rose varieties are now bread for larger petal counts and display full beautiful blooms. Darkened stems show a need for a fresh cut which is a sign of aging and needing care, yet not a sign of ‘old’.