Trias Flowers

Trias Flowers

Posted by triasflowers on December 9, 2014 Uncategorized

Decorating with Flowers for Hanukkah

It’s time to start getting ready for Hshutterstock_167364551anukkah. It starts at sundown on December 16th and continues to sundown on Christmas Eve – December 24th. This festive winter holiday celebrates the Jewish Festival of Lights. It commemorates an event that occurred some 2100 years ago after a small band of Jews successfully ran the very powerful Seleucid army out of the Holy Land.

After doing so, the group went to the Temple of Jerusalem to light the Menorah. Tragically, there was only enough pure oil for to last for one day. Because of the ritual of purity required for making fresh oil, it would have taken 8 days to get more oil. Miraculously, that one day supply lasted for 8 days, until the new oil was ready, and this is the event we commemorate with the celebration of Hanukkah.

The holiday is one for gathering around a table and eating fried foods and lighting the Methumbnailnorah each night. People come together to visit, play the Dredel game and exchange gifts – especially by giving children Hanukkah gelt – or money.

How to Go About Decorating Your House

The colors you see used for Hanukkah celebrations – for everything from gift wrap to table settings, and holiday décor used in the home are white and blue. White is an important color for Jewish holidays because of its association with purity.

If you have a foyer or entryway in your home, deck it out with white and blue – either with the Winter Nights Arrangement – or Blue Elegance. If you’d rather go with pure white, you can’t go wrong with White Spectacle or Pure Elegance.

thumbnail-1For around the house – including end tables, a coffee table, or any other place you’d like to dress up, choose any of these pure white arrangements. White Dendrobiums in a Silver Vase is classic and elegant and as perfect for a small table as it is as a host or hostess gift. For something grander that’s sure to make a statement, choose White Inspirations or White on White.

Don’t overlook the table – because that’s where everyone spends the most time. White and Blue Blossom is the perfect centerpiece that combines blue and white flowers, and natural elements of winter – evergreen sprigs with accents of blue pine cones and classic hints of silver.

Don’t wait to reserve your Hanukkah flowers. You can count on Miami’s best florist, Trias Flowers, to handle all your Hanukkah floral decorating arrangements.