Trias Flowers

Trias Flowers

Posted by triasflowers on February 1, 2020 | Last Updated: February 14, 2020 Uncategorized

Yes, You Can Grow Succulents Inside!

Succulents have become some of the most adored houseplants available. They’re trendy, affordable, and incredibly easy to care for — what’s not to love? Plus, succulents sprout up in seemingly endless variations of shape, texture, color, and size, which makes them a lot of fun to collect. If you want to update your Miami home or office with the upbeat allure of potted succulents, take a moment to browse this quick guide to indoor succulent care from the experts at Trias Flowers.

What Makes Succulents So Different from Other Plants

The main difference between succulents and regular green plants are their leaves. Instead of the paper-thin leaves of other plants, succulents grow thick, rubbery leaves, spines, and segments. These odd-looking appendages help them store water, and this expert adaptation makes it possible for them to survive in harsh environments that don’t get much rainfall.

Various Succulent Plants

Various Succulent Plants

Appreciate the Wonders of Indoor Succulents

Succulents do a world of good for an indoor environment. They’ve been shown to increase productivity and concentration by creating a calm atmosphere with positive energy. They’re also good at improving indoor air quality as they’re able to regulate humidity, purify indoor air pollution, and release fresh oxygen.

Favorite Succulent Varieties


Echeveria grow in pretty starburst rows of leaves. There are several different varieties of echeveria succulents, and they come in different colors, textures, and have differently shaped leaves.

Succulents - Echeveria

Succulents – Echeveria

String of Pearls

These are some of the strangest-looking succulents out there. With a single glance, you’ll know right away how they earned their name because they have long, stringy vines with pear-sized spherical leaves that make them appear more like costume jewelry than real-live plants. The string of pearl succulent is an excellent choice for a hanging pot or planter that’s displayed on a pedestal because they will eventually cascade over the sides of the pot.

String of Pearls Succulent

String of Pearls Succulent


Jade plants are a top choice in succulents. They have brown stems and cute, little, green leaves that make them look like tiny trees. They do well potted with other succulents and can also thrive on their own. Fully grown, they can reach up to about three feet tall. They’re also unbelievably long-lasting. Well-tended jade plants can live so long that they often become heirlooms, getting passed down from generation to generation in a family.

Succulent - Crassula

Succulent – Jade Crassula

How to Cultivate Healthy Succulents Inside

In Miami’s warm, sunny climate, succulents can survive both inside and out, but to enjoy all their benefits, they should be grown indoors. The main trick to keeping indoor succulents healthy is not fussing over them too much. Adapted to the desert, succulents don’t need much attention to survive.

First, pot them in a container that will drain easily and use a potting mix formulated for cacti and succulents. Place it in a location where it will receive plenty of sunshine, but won’t burn. When watering your succulent, soak the soil through, but make sure all the water can drain from the pot to prevent the succulent from sitting in standing water. Wait until the soil has dried out completely before watering it again. The worst thing you can do for a succulent is to give it too much water, as this will cause the plant to rot at its base and die.

Brown or yellow leaves on a succulent that’s normally another color indicate distress. Usually, this occurs due to over-watering, but can also be a sign of extreme thirst. Check the moisture in the soil and contact Trias Flowers for additional succulent care advice.