In Miami, we are all about the color. That’s why we love to fill our homes and offices with plants and flowers, to transform the environment from one of function to one of beauty! At Trias Flowers, we have green and flowering plants, orchids, dish gardens and succulents that are sure to elevate the style of your space -but how to care for them? No two plants have exactly the same requirements of care, but our experts would love to share the basics regarding some of our most popular products. Learn a few simply tricks regarding green plant care, and your plants will thrive!
Don’t Forget! Plants of all kinds, especially the products featured here, make wonderful gifts for Administrative Professionals Week!

Care for Succulents: Indoor succulents grow best in bright light. Place near an east, south, or west window that gets a few hours of direct sun daily. Water often enough to keep plants from shriveling but not until the soil is dry, usually about every 7 days. Hint: Avoid a buildup of harmful dissolved minerals by using distilled or rain water to water your succulent. Because many grow slowly indoors, fertilizer is generally unnecessary, although a light feeding in spring may help with longevity.
Care for Orchids: Shown here, Phalaenopsis orchids are often called “the beginner’s orchid” for their easy care and maintenance requirements. Keep your orchid in medium to bright light, but out of direct sunlight as they are delicate and leaves burn easily. Orchids should do well in your home, as they thrive in temperatures ranging from 65-85 degrees. It is best to let the soil almost completely dry before watering – if you can feel moisture with your finger, do not water. The orchid should be kept in soil that easily drains, as roots will “drown” and kill the plant if left in standing water.
Care for Indoor Bromeliads: These tropical plants are popular in our sun-kissed climate, and add just the right amount of exotic color to our homes and offices. Bromeliad plants are low maintenance, even though they look like they would need a lot of attention! Simply give the plants a half strength fertilizer every month in the growing season, and water by filling the cup at the base of the leaves. (The stagnant water that collects should be emptied out weekly). Set the bromeliad’s pot in a saucer of gravel filled partially with water to increase humidity, if that is necessary. Make sure the roots are not submerged in the water or they may rot.

With just a little bit of care and diligence, your home can be a beautiful sanctuary. Once you have chosen your favorite plants, feel free to ask our professionals any questions you may have about green plant care. This spring, make Miami even more beautiful, with orchids, succulents and bromeliads from Trias Flowers!